Penis enlargement with baking soda is one of the controversial ways to solve a male problem today.
It is guaranteed to increase the size of the penis surgically, but not all men decide on an operation, and not everyone has the means to carry it out.
Therefore, the use of NaHCO3 (the chemical formula of soda) is very popular, since it is available to everyone.
Whether it has an effect is a moot point. Some men who have experienced this technique of penis enlargement on themselves were satisfied.

Other representatives of a strong half of humanity consider this method ineffective and dangerous to health.
It is recommended that you consult your doctor before trying any medication for penile enlargement.
Baking soda is familiar to everyone, but it is only recently that information has begun to emerge about its miraculous properties of various kinds, including penis enlargement.
By itself, sodium bicarbonate does not directly affect the male genital organ. Having penetrated into the body, soda helps to thin the blood, which, according to many men who have undergone such therapy, is necessary during the performance of special training exercises.
During training to enlarge the penis, liquefied blood freely passes into all parts, including the penis, thereby contributing to its growth. Based on the reviews, we can conclude that the value of this substance is that it stimulates organ enlargement in the process of applying various techniques and prevents the development of some complications that may arise under the influence of training.
As for the opinion of doctors, sodium bicarbonate negatively affects the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
How realistic is it for a man to enlarge his penis with baking soda?
It is important to understand that exposure to sodium bicarbonate affects local blood flow. As a result, the penis enlarges by about 2-5 millimeters.
Unfortunately, this effect is rather short-lived. Within a few hours, the penis will return to its previous shape, as the irritating effect of sodium bicarbonate will end. Accordingly, it is strongly recommended to carry out such procedures immediately before sexual intercourse or at least an hour before it.
Even if you rub your penis with baking soda daily for as long as possible, the effect of its use will still be short-lived.

Therefore, from this point of view, there is no need to resort to this method on an ongoing basis. It will give the best results with temporary use.
Moreover, looking for an answer to the question of how to enlarge the penis with soda, many men do not worry at all about the possible consequences. At the same time, the uncontrolled use of soda in this form, especially at home, threatens with very real troubles.
For example, skin irritation. NaHCO3 can easily corrode the skin if it is rubbed in several times every day for months or even years. It will be extremely difficult to restore damaged skin, and this is not counting the fact that a man will have to endure a lot of pain and discomfort.
The alkaline properties of baking soda determine the fact that it is capable of destroying bacteria and fungi, including those related to opportunistic microflora, that is, one that is present on humans on an ongoing basis.
The destruction of beneficial flora can lead to a significant decrease in immunity. Against this background, the development of pathogens is possible, which will cause such unpleasant diseases as candidiasis, balanoposthitis or balanitis.
Accordingly, using baking soda to enlarge the penis or not is a purely personal matter.
Soda is often used in traditional medicine recipes as it is an excellent remedy for fighting inflammation and harmful microorganisms. Do not think that when using this substance, the penis will grow by leaps and bounds. Studies have shown that baking soda increases efficiency when using other methods, that is, it is advisable to use it as an auxiliary element.
How to enlarge your penis with baking soda? The ability to change the size of the penis is due to the fact that the substance can penetrate unhindered into the tissues, and due to its unique action, it thins the blood. This feature makes the powder irreplaceable - it actively increases the size of the penis. Penis enlargement with baking soda will not show normal results if you do not exercise or use special devices.
It should be noted that this substance remarkably protects the penis from injuries and various complications. Some exercise can increase the likelihood of blood clots, but baking soda, due to its unique composition, can thin the blood, which prevents blood clots from forming.
There are several options for penis enlargement with soda, each with individual benefits and features. Everyone chooses a specific type independently, and it is even better to combine them, but the main thing is not to exaggerate the established dosages.
Are there any contraindications for use?
Each penis enlargement technique has its own contraindications, and soda is no exception. The procedure should be abandoned:
- For men suffering from diabetes mellitus, it will definitely not be useful here. The reason for this is the direct effect on the blood corpuscles.
- Presence of malignant tumors. Soda has a thinning effect on the blood, and such an environment is favorable for the multiplication and spread of cancer cells throughout the body.
- Sensitive skin. When a man's skin is not only sensitive but also dry, soda will cause irritation and inflammation.
Before using the baking soda, test on the skin of your hand, if there is no discomfort or irritation 30 minutes after application, the product can be used on the genitals.
There are also contraindications for taking soda by mouth. For example, increased acidity of the stomach, when soda gets into it, a peptic ulcer can form. If soda is contraindicated for you, you can try other home methods for enlarging your penis.
Despite the wide range of uses of the famous white powder, it should not be overused. In case of an overdose and too long intake of soda, undesirable consequences may occur, which will then need to be treated separately.
There are practically no significant contraindications, but you shouldn't forget about precautions. Do not forget to check the expiration date of this product, observe the prescribed dosage, massage and scrubs do only with clean hands. These simple measures will protect you from unwanted consequences.
Average penis size
According to urologists, you should not expose yourself to various methods not confirmed by medicine that supposedly increase male dignity.

First of all, you should figure out if a man really needs to improve his genitals. The preconceived opinion of some people that the penis should be as large as possible is wrong.
According to standards, the normal size of an erect penis is 14-19 cm.
That is, if the indicator is below 14 cm, only then can we talk about a small size of the penis, but remember that it also depends on the constitution, hereditary characteristics of the body.
But experts say that a member of less than 8 centimeters in an erect state is a rather serious deviation.
Baking soda for male organ enlargement
Before you start carrying out the procedures, you need to understand whether you really need them. The fact is that most men who think that they definitely need to make their genitals longer are mistaken. So, in medicine, a small penis is considered one that, in an excited state, reaches no more than 10 centimeters.
According to statistics, men have an average penis size of 18 centimeters. However, there are men who certainly try to make their genital organ longer, even if it is much more than 18 centimeters. But it should be remembered that in this case, there will be no special result from such procedures.
In the event that the short length of the penis is associated with a congenital pathology or some kind of disease, then procedures with soda will be absolutely useless here. In this regard, before starting to carry out procedures for lengthening the penis, you must definitely go to the doctor's appointment, since only he can check the health of your urinary and reproductive system.
Before deciding on penis enlargement with baking soda, you should understand that even if you can achieve organ growth, you should not expect a giant size within a week.
Based on the positive feedback from the stronger sex, who have experienced this method of solving the problem, we can conclude that it will be possible to enlarge the organ by 1, maximum 2 cm.
There are several ways to accept this tool. One involves taking sodium bicarbonate on an empty stomach, another after eating, and the third is a gradual increase in the amount of powder.
The number of negative and positive reviews is approximately equal. Many men claim that the penis remained the same size, and pains appeared in the stomach that were not there before.
In the event that a man, for some reason, nevertheless decided to experience the effect of sodium bicarbonate, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications, on the basis of which the use of soda will definitely lead to the development of complications:

- diabetes mellitus;
- increased or decreased acidity of the stomach;
- gastritis;
- ulcer;
- presence of malignant tumors.
In the presence of at least one of the above contraindications, the use of this method of enhancing the growth of the genital organ is strongly discouraged, it is a great risk.
Enlarging the penis with soda can only be temporary. As a rule, men resort to such procedures before sexual intercourse.
In order to make the penis a little longer and more elastic, about 1 hour before sexual intercourse, you can make a bath of NaHCO3 dissolved in water. In this case, the penis should be in a non-erect state.
Another way to promote blood flow to the penis is to apply baking soda to the organ itself in the form of a compress.
Some men argue that adding honey to sodium bicarbonate will increase the effect. It is necessary to apply the powder so that it does not fall on the head of the penis. Otherwise, an unpleasant sensation will arise.
Temporary agents should also be used with care. For example, honey is a strong allergen for many people. Therefore, before using this or that remedy, it is recommended to weigh the pros and cons, the advantages and disadvantages of each method.
Constant procedures are contraindicated, as soda dries the skin.
The usual baking soda is used to enlarge the penis, but it is used internally and externally.
The positive effects of the product on the male genital organs are presented as follows:
- Elimination of harmful microorganisms from the penis - recommended for use in case of an infectious disease requiring antiseptic treatments.
- Soda stimulates testosterone production, has a positive effect on sexual life.
- Promotes the elimination of toxins and toxins - helps in the production of hormones.
- With the help of baking soda, you get rid of the initial stage of prostatitis, as it has an anti-inflammatory effect.
It is possible to enlarge the penis with soda due to the main property of sodium bicarbonate. Its effect is to activate blood circulation, which affects the swelling of the tissues of the penis. By consuming soda inside, the man begins the process of vasodilation and blood thinning. This leads to a rush of blood into the penis and its enlargement.
The action does not last long, but with constant use it increases the length and width of the penis. It is important to follow the recommendations and use a recipe and method that is safe for health.
It is necessary to realistically assess the possibilities of a nutritional supplement and not to waste time if the length of the penis is less than 10 cm. Only plastic surgery will help to cope with the task here.
Baking soda can make your penis 2 to 3 cm long and 1. 5 cm wide. Moreover, not everyone who has applied the penis enlargement technique with the use of soda has a positive effect.
Instructions for use
The most effective and popular way to enlarge the penis with soda is massage. For good results, the procedure must be performed correctly, regularly and taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient. The massage is performed very carefully, as the skin of the penis is rather thin and sensitive, and rough movements and strong friction can damage the skin of the organ.
The procedure is carried out in stages:
- Preparatory stage. A soft towel dipped in warm water is wrapped around the penis and left for several minutes. The action is aimed at activating blood flow, increasing the elasticity of the organ's skin. You need to repeat the process 4 times within 20 minutes.
- Massage. The manipulation technique should be aimed at stretching the penis. Massage and stretching helps to distribute the restored high volume blood flow evenly through the veins. Soda must be used during the procedure. A paste of soda is preliminarily prepared (a small amount of soda is diluted with water, to the consistency of a paste), which is carefully rubbed into the tissue of the penis. You can also use the powder form of the substance, however, when dissolved, the soda is absorbed better, providing a good result.
- The final stage. After manipulation, you need to relax and lie down. If you immediately get up and return to your normal rhythm of life, the body will perceive this as stress, which will affect the restored blood flow.
Besides massage, there are other recipes for penis enlargement with baking soda.
First, it's worth understanding - is it really necessary to enlarge your penis, because scientists have long proved that in order to please a partner, it is not necessary to be the owner of a large penis, it is enough to control it correctly.
If, nevertheless, a man decides to take drastic measures, it is better to start with the simplest, inexpensive and relatively natural method. Many experts often talk about the beneficial properties of baking soda.
Baking soda, or sodium bicarbonate, is a white powder. It has a large number of useful qualities that are used in cooking, cleaning, as well as the treatment of many diseases. Soda is used to treat thrush in women, but there are other uses for this product for men:
- soda scrubbing;
- soda baths;
- soda massage.
When using baking soda at home, it is recommended to be careful, especially when using baths, since the increased exposure to sodium bicarbonate can dry out delicate skin and lead to cracks.
Tool | Composition | Preparation and Application |
Trays |
The bath should be taken no earlier than an hour before intercourse. With this method, you can achieve a significant increase in skin elasticity |
Soda Scrub |
This tool can significantly strengthen your erection |
Honey scrub |
The result is similar to the effect after a soda scrub. However, honey softens the soda, making the method safer |
Soda compress |
Increases blood flow to the penis |
Drinking solution |
Soda Lotion |
Soda massage:

- The penis is thoroughly washed, dried and thickly oiled with olive oil.
- Soda (1 tbsp) is applied on top of the oil base.
- The resulting mask is massaged the penis, the movements should be soft and circular. The duration of the massage is 10 minutes.
- After the procedure, the penis is rinsed with water and re-oiled.
- After soaking, the excess oil is blotted with a paper towel.
The composition must not fall on the head.
All manipulations should not be performed more than once a day. The duration of the course of exposure to the penis is 2-3 weeks, depending on the condition of the skin and the man's well-being. Taking baking soda inside, you need to carefully monitor your health and in case of atypical sensations (burning, itching, etc. ), the reception should be stopped immediately.
Massage with the considered food additive is an effective method of application.
The action is aimed at expanding the orifices of the tissues of the penis, where blood and micronutrients flow. This affects the thickening and partial lengthening of the penis.
Before starting the massage, please read the following precautions:
- A sensitivity test is required. Soda is applied to a small area of the skin, previously mixed with water until a slurry is formed. Leave the composition for half an hour and wash off with running water. If there is no itching or irritation on the penis, the supplement can be used as directed.
- Massage should be done regularly, preferably daily, to achieve results.
- Massage movements gently and gently so as not to provoke damage to the sensitive skin of the penis.
The massage is done in several stages, which are presented as follows:
- Preparation - a soft towel is moistened with warm water and wrapped around the penis. In this state, sit for 20 minutes, wetting the towel again as it cools.
- Procedure - prepare a mixture for massage by mixing the main component with water until a sour cream consistency is formed. Rub the mixture into the penis with gentle massage movements, stretching and squeezing it as much as possible. Pain should not be allowed.
- End - after the massage (30 minutes), lie down and relax. It is important to lie in a relaxed state for 30 minutes. After the member is rinsed under running water, the use of hygiene products is allowed.
The presented manipulations help to improve blood flow to the genital organ and increase it slightly. Regular use promotes long-lasting results.
It is recommended to make baths with soda solution:
- 2 packs of soda must be mixed in a three-liter can of hot water.
- Add the solution to the bathroom, where water is collected at a temperature acceptable for a man.
- They sit in the bathroom for 20 minutes.
- Further, to restore blood, they resort to a contrast shower.
The presented method helps to improve metabolism in the cells of the skin and genital skin.
Such soda baths are an excellent anti-inflammatory method, they resist the development of inflammation of the prostate and other malignant formations of the groin area.

Sodium bicarbonate is readily used in the form of compresses or mini-baths.
To do this, do the following:
- Mix a teaspoon of the food supplement in a glass of warm water.
- Dip the penis into the glass for 15 minutes.
- It is allowed to use an additional compress by stirring 3 teaspoons of food in a glass of water.
- The resulting solution needs to be poured onto a towel and wrapped around the penis. They are in this state for a similar 15 minutes.
It is allowed to add a drop of essential oil to the presented aqueous solutions to improve the result.
Applying only a massage or a compress will not lead to positive results quickly. It is required to additionally use a food supplement for oral administration.
Soda is NaHCO3, safe for the human body in small quantities. If a man is diagnosed with stomach diseases, it is recommended to consult a doctor before use.
For internal use, mix a quarter teaspoon of the nutritional supplement in a glass of water and drink in small sips.
Carefully monitor the condition, if pain occurs, refuse such an increase in the penis. If no pain is found, it is allowed to gradually increase the dosage to 1 tablespoon per glass of water.
Drink the solution once a day at lunchtime. It is advisable not to drink the soda mixture on an empty stomach, but it is not recommended to drink the drink on a full stomach either - there will be no effect from it.
The combination of baking soda and certain ingredients makes it possible to obtain formulations with which you can enlarge your penis at home. To look confident and sexy in the eyes of women, it is additionally recommended to resort to the following recipes:

- Olive oil blend. The food additive is added to a small amount of olive oil until a gruel is formed. The mixture is rubbed into the genitals to avoid injury and in the presence of hypersensitivity of the skin.
- Honey paste. A teaspoon of the supplement is mixed with half a teaspoon of honey. The resulting mixture is applied to the genitals for half an hour. After the time has elapsed, rinse off the paste with warm water.
- Pasta with Vietnamese balsam. The balm contains essential oils, so the result is improved and accelerated. For preparation, a pea of balm is added to a standard soda paste in the amount of 2 tablespoons. The resulting composition is applied to the surface to be treated for 30 minutes.
The balm must be applied with care. If, after application, a burning sensation appears on the penis, rinse it off immediately with water.